User Responsibility & Warranty Details

The information displayed on this site, including any technical information, was derived from years of experience and countless hours of research. This information and data may vary considerably depending on many factors, including the components used, component assembly, safety precautions practiced, the experience of the user and technical knowledge and/or training, etc. expressly disclaims all warranties regarding any information provided herein by, the safety or suitability thereof, or the results obtained, including, without limitation, any implied merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and/or any other warranty. Users assume all risk, responsibility, and liability whatsoever for any injuries (including death), losses, or damages to persons or property (including consequential damages), arising from the use of any product or data.
The individual accessing this site assumes the risk of safe practices. Failure to do so could result in severe personal injury (or death) and/or property damage.
The information contained in the databases is for informational use only. and its contributors make no warranties expressed or implied to the suitability of the information, instructions, or data contained herein for any purpose. & its contributors shall be held blameless, without liability for the use, dissemination, consumption, misuse, application, or consequences resulting from the information contained in the databases.
Persons utilizing the resources of accept full responsibility for their own actions and any resulting physical, emotional, mental, or incidental injuries, or death caused by, inferred by, or incidental to use of information or as a result of the application of the information contained in the databases of Further, said persons utilizing these resources of accept full responsibility for any damage to persons or property, be it direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential as a direct, indirect, or consequential application of the information accessed on the databases of
Users of this resource accept full responsibility for the accuracy, suitability, and safety of the information they supply to the database. In no way shall, its contributors, their ownership, management, administration, or agents be held responsible for the information posted on these databases by individual users.
It is the user's sole responsibility of the information provided in the databases to verify the safety, reliability, and suitability of the information contained for their own personal purposes and end-use.
The contents of these databases shall not be reproduced for the purposes of financial gain or commercial publication except by express written consent of the management of and the contributors.
The inclusion of copyrighted materials on these databases shall be the sole responsibility of the originator of the post. its contributors and their owners, management, administration, agents, and partners thereof shall be held blameless for the inclusion of copyrighted materials in member-generated posted data.
All comments contained in posted data in these databases shall be subject to review and editing or deletion by the staff, management, or ownership of and or its contributors, at their sole discretion for any reason, at any time.
Data entered into databases that is deemed inappropriate due to content for any reason may be edited or deleted by the staff, management, or ownership of and or its contributors. Users of these databases operated by and or its contributors shall hold and or its contributors, their agents, owners, management, and administrators blameless for any claims of liability, damage, or injury of any kind resultant to, incidental to, or consequential to information contained therein.
Thank you for taking the time to read this agreement statement.